Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bridges - Organic Restaurant in Nairobi

Wow, is it Tuesday already? Loads of great things happening here in Nairobi. One of them happened a week ago; I was introduced to a pleasant find: this fantastic organic restaurant place called Bridges! I was so impressed that I'll have to make it a priority to come here as much as possible during my stay here. I had a fresh tilapia with a side of sweet mango-ey sauce, bed of rice and salad. All for less than $4. Oh, organic fresh fruit juice included!

I finally saw that movie, Blood Diamonds, with Leo, actually incredibly impressed by the dramatic and stunningly beautiful backdrops of beach, then hellish dirty city to then majestic forests of Sierre Leone. I remember the rumours of his presence in Maputo during the filming of parts of the film. I swear some of the beach scenes look so familiar to Maputo or Mozambican beaches but I could be wrong. Some of the dialogue also reminds me of the film, Hotel Rwanda, when asked if the West will help now that the reporters write stories or take photos of their strife and the bluntness of "no" and "unlikely" kind of puts a jab at your heart... because there is some truth to the apathy that is referenced. The movie also takes a few strikes at development workers, Peace Corps, and consultants who come in trying to do good with their fancy laptops when their governments may well be funding the arms for the wars or the extremist militia taking place today.

The director also did a great job of leading the watcher through Daniel Archer and him dealing with his demons or inherent goodness in people... of course the discussion goes, "people are just people; it's the action they take chich determines if they are good or bad" He takes us through survival, TIA (this is africa) and that he could never abandon his continent.

Anything else: I saw a small concert at the Alliance Francaise last Thursday: the Ingosi Stars. They were rocking out , some in traditional wear, and singing to the sounds of the drums, guitar and other percussion instruments. The highlight was the actual band starter, Ingosi, was this old man who comes out with his traditional string instrument and taking his small moves like the two-step. Good times.

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