Monday, October 02, 2006

Durban Event Review: The Red Eye

On Friday night, I headed over to Durban's museum attached to city hall which was converted to their art event, Red Eye. The location was a haven for the artsies to come out for an evening to mingle and drink and take a peek at some of the ideas and expressions walking around the streets of Durban. The one exciting dance piece was by the Siwela Sonke Dance Theatre did a wicked performance in this circular room at the top floor of the museum space. The song and space worked out well for the dance. The rest of the galleries were video installation, a photo collection of Durban on a clothes line, some Durban drumming and a
potentially funny skit on the set of a happy, mushroom garden. It was a penguin vs chicken boxing match and horse vs floppy ear dog and his pet human.

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