Monday, August 28, 2006

Kiora, the silly dawg.

kiora & Kathleen
Originally uploaded by make_change.
Here is a photo of me sitting down pre-licked by the dog, Kiora. She's a silly dog who may have her sister as her mom and chases after another ratty little dog called tinkerbell in their yard. Click on the photo for other just as exciting weekend photos of life here in Durban.

Last Friday, I went surfing on a westerly day with downpour rain. Great day to test out the new wetsuit. High tide at around 4pm but great easy-going waves with a group of 5 or so at Snake Park. The next morning, 9am, went surfing again on a sunny warm day at South Beach but much more crowded and more curling waves that wipe you out at one dump. Lots of learners and groms.

I also went to check out that Jomba! dance festival... little did I know that it was "interpretative" and all kinds of strange one person or duo acts doing dialogue with what seemed to be "dance". Apparently it was a Swiss team but I'm not soo sure. I just you have to go to these things to know what type of dance one likes!

All weekend, working again on the proposal and send it in today for review. Crossing my fingers that it will be approved. I am now reading over a project for East Africa on Information and Technology and poverty reduction and possibly find myself applying for an internship with this project for a year. We'll see!!! Have a great week! Tommorow i'll try to post a foto of the new surfboard progress!

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